
OTB Gold

01:00 PM-02:00 PM

OTB Gold

Rosie Foley - Legends Interview | Growing up with Axel, rugby inequalities & open-water swimming

Irish rugby legend Rosie Foley joined Valerie Wheeler to reflect on her groundbreaking rugby care...

Catherine Murphy
Catherine Murphy

16:45 23 Apr 2021

Rosie Foley - Legends Intervie...

Rosie Foley - Legends Interview | Growing up with Axel, rugby inequalities & open-water swimming

Catherine Murphy
Catherine Murphy

16:45 23 Apr 2021

Irish rugby legend Rosie Foley joined Valerie Wheeler to reflect on her groundbreaking rugby career, as well as her incredibly close relationship with her late brother Anthony 'Axel' Foley and her secret mission to swim across the English Channel.

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Read more about

Anthony Foley Axel Foley English Channel Equality Ireland Munster Open Water Swimming Rosie Foley Rugby Women's Rugby Women In Sport