
Repeat: OTB Breakfast

05:00 AM-07:00 AM

Repeat: OTB Breakfast
Off The Ball

THE NEWSROUND | Champions League & Premier League latest | Beirne agrees IRFU deal

Richie McCormack and --------- join Joe Molloy for Tuesday’s edition of The Newsround, chatting about all the biggest and best stories from the world of sport @GilletteUK #BestFaceForward



20:24 15 Feb 2022

THE NEWSROUND | Champions Leag...
Off The Ball

THE NEWSROUND | Champions League & Premier League latest | Beirne agrees IRFU deal



20:24 15 Feb 2022

Richie McCormack and --------- join Joe Molloy for Tuesday’s edition of The Newsround, chatting about all the biggest and best stories from the world of sport   @GilletteUK #BestFaceForward

Read more about

Champions League IRFU Manchester United PSG Premier League Real Madrid Tadgh Beirne The Newsround