
Highlights on Off The Ball

07:00 AM-01:00 PM

Highlights on Off The Ball

Andy Lee Meets The Cribs | The 00's rock boom, surviving in the music industry | Gary Jarman

Former-world champion boxer Andy Lee first encountered The Cribs' bassist and vocalist Gary Jarma...


20:00 30 Jul 2020

Andy Lee Meets The Cribs | The...

Andy Lee Meets The Cribs | The 00's rock boom, surviving in the music industry | Gary Jarman


20:00 30 Jul 2020

Former-world champion boxer Andy Lee first encountered The Cribs' bassist and vocalist Gary Jarman backstage at a New York City show at Irving Plaza ten years ago.

During this hour-long conversation, the pair discussed the similarities between the music industry and boxing - and much more.

Gary Skyped in from Portland to reflect on the challenges of maintaining your voice in a music industry where executives are desperate to not miss out on the 'next big thing,' the challenges of avoiding rock and roll pitfalls (especially in your 20s) and what it's been like to create music and be in a band with his two brothers for almost 20 years.

'Andy Lee Meets...' in association with SEAT and the #AllNewSEATLeon.

Read more about

Andy Lee Andy Lee Meets Andy Lee Podcast Gary Jarman Jarman The Cribs