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Repeat: Off The Ball

Trainer Charles Byrnes has licence suspended

Trainer Charles Byrnes has had his licence suspended for six months by the Irish Horseracing Regu...

Trainer Charles Byrnes has lic...

Trainer Charles Byrnes has licence suspended

Trainer Charles Byrnes has had his licence suspended for six months by the Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board after one of his horses tested positive for a banned substance.

Viking Hoard was pulled up in a handicap hurdle at Tramore in October 2018 and was found to have tested positive for a sedative.

A urine sample was found to contain hydroxyethylpromazinehydroxide (HEPS), a metabolite of acepromazine (ACP).

Under Rule 20(v) and Regulation R14 of the Rules of Racing and Irish National Hunt Steeplechase Rules ACP is a prohibited substance.

The trainer requested to have the ‘B’ sample analysed which was carried out in France and once again the finding for HEPS was confirmed.

The estimated detected level in Viking Hoard's urine sample was 1000 nanograms/millilitre, or 100 times the applicable ISL.

It was established that ACP was exerting a clinical effect on Viking Hoard in the form of a low post-race heart rate.

A ruling from the Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board said that taking into account the gravity of what occurred, the Committee ordered that Mr. Byrnes’ licence be withdrawn for a period of 6 months and imposed a €1,000 fine on Mr. Byrnes.

The reasoning for the sanction is contained in full here.

The IHRB added it had "been advised that the trainer will be lodging an appeal against this decision".

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Charles Byrnes Horse Racing Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board Tramore