
Live: Sunday Paper Review

01:00 PM-02:00 PM

Live: Sunday Paper Review
Off The Ball Radio

Bale's Madrid misery, Graham Taylor and Messi, Messi...

Joe and Dan McDonnell talk about Gareth Bale with Dermot Corrigan, Graham Taylor reacts to a cont...

Off The Ball
Off The Ball

22:20 6 May 2015

Bale's Madrid misery, Grah...
Off The Ball Radio

Bale's Madrid misery, Graham Taylor and Messi, Messi...

Off The Ball
Off The Ball

22:20 6 May 2015

Joe and Dan McDonnell talk about Gareth Bale with Dermot Corrigan, Graham Taylor reacts to a controversial new book and Kenny Cunningham worships at the altar of Messi