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01:30 PM-02:30 PM

LIVE: The Saturday Panel
Off The Ball Radio

Off The Wall: The Game of Thrones awards show

A week on from the Game of Thrones finale, the Off The Wall pod re-assembled to discuss their lin...

Jake O'Donnell
Jake O'Donnell

14:25 28 May 2019

Off The Wall: The Game of Thro...
Off The Ball Radio

Off The Wall: The Game of Thrones awards show

Jake O'Donnell
Jake O'Donnell

14:25 28 May 2019

A week on from the Game of Thrones finale, the Off The Wall pod re-assembled to discuss their lingering emotions in the post-Westeros world. 

While there was much dissatisfaction with the ending of the long-running series the panel, along with resident expert Andy Lee, sat down to reflect on the highlights of the series and dish-out the Off The Wall awards.

The award categories were: 

  • Best Death
  • Best Battle
  • Best Relationship
  • Most Impactful character
  • Best Villain
  • Must Stupid Moment
  • Best Moment


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Andy Lee Game Of Thrones Off The Wall